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10 Commonly used English sentences. Day-4 English 1. "I need to go to the store." (for expressing a need to go to a store) 2. "Can you turn up the volume?" (for requesting that the volume be increased) 3. "I'm going to be late, can you start without me?" (for informing others that one will be late and asking them to proceed without them) 4. "I'm running out of time, can we speed things up?" (for requesting that something be done more qu.. 2023. 1. 9.
10 Commonly used English sentences. Day-3 English 1."I'm hungry." (for expressing a physical need or desire for food) 2."I'm sorry, I can't make it." (for declining an invitation or request) 3."I'm running late, can we meet at a later time?" (for requesting a change in plans or schedule) 4."Can you speak more slowly, please?" (for requesting that someone speak at a slower pace) 5."I'm not feeling well." (for expressing that one is not f.. 2023. 1. 8.
10 Commonly used English sentences.Day-2 English 1."What's your name?" (for asking someone's name) 2."Where do you live?" (for asking about someone's place of residence) 3."What do you do for a living?" (for asking about someone's job or profession) 4."How old are you?" (for asking about someone's age) 5."Do you have any hobbies?" (for asking about someone's interests or activities that they enjoy doing in their free time) 6."What's th.. 2023. 1. 7.
10 Commonly used English sentences. Day-1 English 1. "Hello" or "Hi" (for greeting someone) 2. "Thank you" (for expressing gratitude) 3. "How are you?" (for inquiring about someone's well-being) 4. "I'm sorry" (for expressing apology) 5. "Yes" or "No" (for expressing agreement or disagreement) 6. "Please" (for making a request or asking for something politely) 7. "I don't know" (for indicating a lack of knowledge about something) 8. "I'.. 2023. 1. 6.