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10 Commonly used English sentences. Day-8 English 1."I'm feeling really anxious." (for expressing a feeling of anxiety) 2."I'm sorry, I can't come to the meeting. Can we reschedule?" (for declining an invitation and requesting a change of plans) 3."I'm looking for a new car." (for expressing a desire to purchase a new car) 4."I'm trying to eat healthier." (for expressing an attempt to make healthier food choices) 5."I'm feeling really d.. 2023. 1. 14.
10 Commonly used English sentences. Day-7 English 1. "I'm feeling frustrated." (for expressing a feeling of frustration) 2. "I'm looking for a new apartment." (for expressing a desire to find a new place to live) 3. "I'm trying to learn a new language." (for expressing an attempt to learn a new language) 4. "I'm not sure, can you give me more options?" (for requesting additional options before making a decision) 5. "Can you recommend a .. 2023. 1. 13.
10 Commonly used English sentences. Day-6 English 1."I'm sorry, I have to go now." (for expressing a need to leave) 2."I'm looking for a book on cooking." (for expressing a desire to find a specific book) 3."I'm feeling sick." (for expressing a feeling of being unwell) 4."Can you show me how to do this?" (for requesting assistance or instruction on how to do something) 5."I'm lost." (for expressing a feeling of being disoriented or not .. 2023. 1. 12.
10 Commonly used English sentences. Day-5 English 1. "I'm tired." (for expressing a physical feeling of tiredness) 2. "Can you open the window, please?" (for making a request for something to be opened) 3. "I'm full." (for expressing a feeling of being satiated or no longer hungry) 4. "Can you give me a ride to the airport?" (for making a request for transportation) 5. "I'm running late, can you call and let them know?" (for requesting .. 2023. 1. 10.